Do-It-Yourself Divorce Kit

Save money with Divorce Kit from the DoItYourselfStore
Spouses who want an amicable divorce no longer need expensive and contentious
lawyers. If you and your spouse are childless, have few assets and agree on
their division, Divorce can save you money, time and stress, as it has
for thousands of others. Divorce fully explains and simplifies divorce
law, take you through the legal steps, and provides state-by-state information
to complete and file the forms.
A partial listing of subjects covered:
Advantages of using an attorney
Advantages of representing yourself
Preparing for divorce
Do you really want a divorce?
Grounds for divorce
Safeguarding assets
Dividing property by agreement
Dividing debts and liabilities
Alimony, custody, and support
The Marital Settlement Agreement
The Financial Affidavit
Preparing the paperwork for court
Your day in court
Protecting both parties' rights
Child support problems
When you marry again
Divorce laws by state
...and much more!
Blank forms include:
Marital Settlement Agreement
Financial Affidavit
Verified Complaint or Petition
Answer and Affidavit in Support of Final Judgment
Notice of Hearing
Declaration Under the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act
Decree of Divorce
Certificate of Corroborating Witness
Plus FREE bonus - How to Save on Attorney Fees
The Divorce Kit contains:
A complete divorce primer and instruction manual
A comprehensive glossary of divorce terms
Sample petitions and divorce agreements
The laws and rules for obtaining a divorce in your state
Ready-to-complete divorce petitions and agreements*
* State specific forms not included
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